Minimalistic QA


We should always make sure to make elements of our app consistent. For example if we used once a green colour for a button that saves form or modal then we should always, in every other place in our app, use the green colour for a button that is saving or approving something.

But why? Would it will make a big difference if we will use fancy buttons, different on every page, and fancy modals or forms with different styles? Then the user would not be bored!

No! We have to be consistent.

Let me show you something. I have introduced some inconsistency in my blog. On purpose. If you will compare the cat kaomoji from my blog homepage with the ones from the bottom of minimalism and quality posts you will see that the kaomoji representing cat is different. Is it a problem? Yes! Really? It is not important for the user at all. Maybe it is not but on the homepage I am teaching the user that the cat kaomoji looks like that =^•ェ•^=, and then on other pages it is different. And the user, subconsciously, notice the difference and he thinks: Is it still a cat or something else? Of course quickly he noticed that it is a cat but it may irritate the user that now it looks differently. And that is our problem. First of all we forced our user to think and analyse and then we irritated him. We should make sure that our user will be able to through our app without thinking. Our app should help the user, the user of it should not bother the user. Because then the app will start irritating the user and disturb him more than help. So the user will became tired quickly. And soon he would not be happy to use your app. So remember do everything as consistent and easy as it can be, so the user will just flow without thinking through your app and will achieve his goal quickly and without any pain.

Brought to you proudly by the =^•ꞈ•^= and the ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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