Minimalistic QA


I have introduced myself as a minimalist QA. What does it mean?

In my first post I have tried to explain what is quality. And it does not looked simple. It was more like a complex continues process of assurance that the end users are happy. So then how can it be minimalistic? First of all lets try determine what minimalistic mean.

Is minimalism simple?

Yes. And no! In the end minimalistic things are simple and easy. And that is the biggest props of minimalism (If it is simple then there is not many parts that we can break with our mistakes). But the process of minimising complex thingy to minimalistic thingy require a lot of intellectual work. Is it worth? Definitely cause simple processes are hard to break, easy to use, easy to understand and focus on cause they are stripping out all distraction. We will use them without even thinking about them!

In this blog I will try to present you example situations and problems which I have faced. I will describe my big mistakes and small victories, with further explanation how it would be good to approach such situation to achieve the minimalistic QA process.

Todays observation section:

During my today walk I have met a fieldfare at a nearby park. Probably not for the first time in my life but today I decided to stay and listen to it. That one had a lot to say. 😁 Truly lovely creature. Great range of tweets. 🎶 It is much easier to clear your mind when you are observing the nature.

Brought to you proudly by the /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ and the ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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